Electric Eel

Electric Eel: One of the coolest and weirdest creatures in the water. An electric eel has three special organs in its body that give it the ability to give off a high voltage and low voltage shock. The three special organs in its body are called the main organ, the hunters organ, and the Sach's organ. These three organs make up four fifths of its body size. Fun Fact: An electric eel's high voltage shock is 50 times more powerful than a car battery. An electric eel's high voltage shock can immobilize their prey to eat or it can be used to defend themselves from predators. Electric eels normally eat invertebrates but sometimes adult electric will eat fish or small mammals. The reason that electric eels don't have teeth is because they don't need them, they eat their prey with shocking power. I hope that you have enjoyed today's post and I hope that you have a safe and fantastic rest of your day.


  1. Super scared of shock from car battery, no way to the Eel!


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