Puffer Fish

Puffer Fish: One of the most interesting and cool sea creatures in all of the sunlight zone If a puffer fish is threatened or scared, it will puff up. A puffer fish will even puff up inside of a predator's mouth. A puffer fish's teeth are fused together so they can bite through much harder things than us humans can, such as a crab exoskeleton. The way that puffer fish inflate their bodies and deflate their bodies is by sucking in water to fill up their bodies, and letting all the water out when they want to deflate. Because of the defense that the puffer fish has, not many fish try to make a snack out of the puffer fish, although for the fish that do attempt it, it does not end well for the predator or the puffer fish. Thank you for reading today's post, and have a safe and fantastic rest of your day.


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