
Narwhal: One of the coolest sea creatures in the arctic. A narwhal can hold its breath for up to 20 minutes, much longer than us humans can. The way that narwhals breath is they come up to the surface. Then they open up the blow hole. Old air is pushed out, and new air is breathed in. One of the narwhal predators is the killer whale. The "horn" on a narwhal is not a horn, it is actually a tusk. The tusk of a narwhal grows on the left side. In very rare cases, a tusk on a narwhal will not only grow on the left side, but also on the right side. The difference between a horn and a tusk is the horn is not a tooth, whereas a tusk is a tooth. The tusk on the narwhal grows through the narwhal's skin. Male narwhals are usually the only narwhals with tusks, and the male narwhals will fight with their tusks for control of the pod. The narwhal is not a member of the whale species, but rather a member of the porpoise species. Thank you for reading today's post, and have a safe and fantastic rest of your day. 


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