Sperm Whale

Sperm Whale: one of the coolest whales in all of the ocean. A Sperm Whale uses echolocation like some other animals that you might know of, such as Bats, Dolphins, and even Beluga Whales but there are many other animals that use echolocation that I shall not mention in this specific post. Sperm Whales can go deeper in the ocean than any other sea creatures in the ocean. They mainly hunt Colossal squid but squid put up a big fight. The Colossal Squid can use their tentacles to wrap around the Sperm Whale and then bring the Sperm Whale down with it. So, as I said, they can go deeper down in the ocean than any other whales. They still need to breath air because they are not fish, they get their air from the ocean surface while fish get air from in the water with their gills.
                                                                                    Now that is the end of my post. I hope that you've enjoyed it; now have a safe and fantastic rest of your day.


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